Thanks so much for visiting our new website, it has been a long time coming! The picture you see (below) is of me holding a photo of my neglectful beau, Don Draper (Jon Hamm). He plays my absentee boyfriend - and what can I say - it's just not working out! Of course, it's meant as a joke in our comedic silent movie, Inside a Melody, which we wrote and filmed ourselves. Truth be told, I couldn't be a bigger fan of the series Mad Men. But I digress...
There is a lot that Amy and I want to share in this space on our website - things that will be helpful for your own music-making projects. We have some ideas for future topics, here are some things we are brainstorming:
#singer-songwriter related topics - creative approaches
how to put together your own #bandbook (for singers)
writing #musiccharts and notating your own music
how to work with other #musicians and be a leader
tips and tricks for working with #filmicpro (this is how we filmed our 40min movie!)
how to start your own #musicfestival
#organizing your own catalogue of #orignal music
building a strong #socialmediapresence
#booking gigs, #musicnetworking
We would love for you to get in touch with any questions or suggestions of your own. Simply email us at and let us know.
Cheers everyone - stay tuned for more!